How to Draw a Quail Part 3

Step 7

Draw in the second leg and claws.

Step 8


Interesting facts about Quails

The common quail breeds on open Farmland and it’s attracted by the vast plains of clover pasture, and young cornfields. it’s a warmth-loving bird and winters in Africa, however, it’s heavily hunted on its way through the Mediterranean region. Spring brings quite a number of night flying migrants who overshoot their destination and end up too far North when far more than usual are heard calling in May and June. 

The Quail nests on the ground, often amongst the crops, and it lays in clutches of between 8 and 12 eggs. In terms of identification, the quail is often heard but rarely seen as it keeps itself well hidden and is very reluctant to fly by day. it’s a small bird, a little bit like a little pheasant chick, and looks similar in terms of plumage. The plumage is Buff brown with dark brown markings above and on the breasts and head and with some narrow white streaks above and on the flanks. 

It is black around the center of the throat, the extent is variable, often just a narrowband and that’s just best judged in the front view. The female is an off white color. If you do accidentally disturb a quail or see one disturbed by a predator, such as a hawk or a buzzard, it looks surprisingly long-winged and so different from other birds of its class. The wing beats are quite fast, and the flight path is low and straight, however, it quickly dives back into hiding as soon as it can.


The Study of Quails for Artists

In terms of the voice when flushed it emits a wader like soft rolling song mainly at dusk and daybreak, but also other times of the day. One of Europe’s least known species is the small Button Quail. It actually belongs to the same order as the cranes. Very like a Quail, but it lives mostly on dry heathland with low dwarf palm, etc. 

As it’s rarely seen, it’s presence is noted mostly by the voice. It’s hard to flush more than once, and they’re very small and short-tailed. They’re Brown above with a whitish coloring below, with an orange patch on the breast and of course dark spotting on the breast sides. The female is more brightly colored and rather bigger than the male. It takes off with a loud wing noise and is quite short and round-winged nunlike the common quail. When it lands it stands momentarily in a characteristically upright manner with wings held out. 

The upper wing covers are yellowish-brown contrastingly paler than the dark primaries. Its voice is a territorial call of a low pitch straight, second long hoot, repeated a few times at 2 to 3-second intervals reminiscent somewhat of a distant foghorn, heard mostly at dusk. I hope this information will help you with your bird drawing in general, and your Quail drawing in particular!


Ideas and Techniques in graphite pencil for drawing a Quail

Pencil hardness for the bald eagle drawing

In the video below of a drawing of a Rottweiler, once the circles are fully drawn, you can join them up to create the correct proportions of the body, neck and also head of your animal. Then you can add lines to represent the placement and also the length of the legs and also the tail. With this diagram in position, you can relax safe in the understanding that the total proportions of the animal, in this instance, a dog, are right. From now on it will be much easier to get an excellent likeness. The successful portrayal of the qualities that we recognize in a drawing as being peculiar to a Quail, to give one example, includes portraying the volumes accurately.

More Ideas for drawing a Quail

Graphite pencils are rated according to their approximate hardness. The harder the pencil, the lighter the line it makes on the page or board. The softest pencil will make a fairly dark line, and having a variety of hardness will give depth and drama to your Quail drawing. To go into more detail, pencils are rated for hardness and softness using the HB range. 

A normal collection of 5 pencils suitable for animal drawing in general, will range from 8B, the softest, to HB, the hardest. You can acquire harder pencils than HB, although these are much more suited to a range of technical drawing. When you attempt to make do with drawing with only a single HB pencil, you will certainly discover yourself pushing down too hard in a futile attempt to get a deep enough tone. Switching to a softer pencil is a far better remedy, particularly as a collection of 5 pencils is not very pricey. You can see the difference it can create in the photo further down.


Ideas and Techniques in colored pencil for drawing a Bird

Ideas for easy Bird drawing in colored pencil

I’m a big fan of colored pencils when it comes to drawing in general, and also for including some color to your drawing of an Quail they are simply perfect. They are actually simple to work with, giving you a remarkable degree of control, and also you can tidy them away conveniently after you’ve completed your drawing for that day.

They do not set you back as much as several kinds of other art products, and you can enjoy a significant choice of shades to choose from. They are absolutely best for newbies to discover the basics of color theory, something that will certainly work well for them for the remainder of their lives, even if it’s not directly connected in any way to drawing animals.


Colored Pencils for Drawing Quails

As always in life, there is no substitute for getting a few of each kind to experiment with. Only by doing this will you have the ability to decide which board suits you best. Without a doubt, you may change your choice of board in regard to the animal you want to draw. I truly do believe in trying all possible options out at the beginning, in the most cost-efficient way, naturally, to uncover what your individual choices are, both for your choice of pencils and your choice of board to work on.

One more possibility or paper you might have a go with is charcoal paper. This is offered in a variety of shades and also has both a smooth as well as a more textured surface.


Ideas and Techniques in Watercolor for drawing a Bird

Ideas for easy Watercolor for birds

Drawing the fine detail of a Quail's Plumage


You can obtain brushes as tiny as 000, for the very finest of precise painting, and also professional wildlife artists work with these brushes to paint in the specific hairs of the animal or animals they are painting, to obtain that unbelievable appearance. The finest Watercolor brushes available are made from Kolinsky Sable. The hairs from these Martin like animals, originally from Russia, have a special springiness which allows them to return to their shape quickly while holding an excellent amount of watercolor or just water.

Watercolor paint for drawing Birds


Personally, I recommend “Cotman” watercolor paint from Winsor and Newton in England. They can almost be utilized straight from the tube, as they are ready to use and already wet. Actually, it was Winsor and Newton who pioneered this great concept of damp watercolor paint, inventing the concept in London England in 1835, shortly after Queen Victoria ascended the throne. This Old English Manufacturer got it’s first Royal Warrant seven years later. I think the Queen must have liked their Watercolor materials!

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